Great. I've sent out a presentation deck. Hopefully everyone has a copy of it.
Good afternoon, and thank you for inviting us here today to discuss gasoline prices and the factors that influence them.
First, I'd like to talk briefly about the policy context within which gasoline markets function in Canada.
By agreement with the western provinces, the Government of Canada has been committed to a market-based energy policy since 1985. This means that Canada relies upon competitive markets to determine prices. The basis of the policy is that prices set in free and competitive markets represent the best signal to producers and refiners in terms of their investment decisions and to consumers in terms of the type of energy they use and how they use it. This market-determined pricing of oil helps to ensure that sufficient supplies are available at the most competitive prices. In the absence of a national emergency, the Government of Canada has no jurisdiction over the direct regulation of energy pricing. Under the Canadian Constitution, the provinces have this authority.
Turning now to the factors that influence retail gasoline prices, crude oil remains the single largest cost component of the price of gasoline at the pump. This is stating the obvious, but any developments that affect supply and/or demand for crude oil will affect oil prices. This includes geopolitical events that constrain production or, alternatively, put supply at risk; weather related events, such as a warmer or a colder winter; and the commodity market, which reacts to perceived supply and demand changes.
However, gasoline markets have their own supply and demand pressures that also influence the retail price, in addition to consumption taxes. These factors are often directionally the same as crude oil prices but can occasionally move in the opposite direction. Examples of this were the recent refinery problems in North America, as well as Hurricane Katrina, when you had an effect on the gasoline prices but not on the price of crude oil.
The next slide compares the major components of the average gasoline price in Canada for the years 2003 and 2006. There are four principal components that make up the pump price, as you can see on the graph. The first is crude oil, which, as I said, is the largest component and accounts for almost half the price in 2006. Consumption taxes at the federal, provincial, and municipal levels represent about one-third of the price. Next are the refining margin, which is the difference between the cost of the crude oil and the wholesale price of gasoline, and the retail or marketing margin, which is the difference between the wholesale price and the retail price of gasoline. Together these two margins account for about one-fifth of the price at the pump in 2006. I will discuss each of these components in turn.
First is crude oil. Canadian oil producers are price takers. They price their oil, like the Edmonton Par crude, to compete with West Texas Intermediate and Brent in the North Sea. The prices of all types of crude track each other, adjusted only for quality differences and the cost of transportation to major markets.
The world price of crude oil has tripled since 2002. The oil price hike is driven, in part, by increasing demand fuelled by North America and the emerging markets, such as China and India, as well as by geopolitical events in the Middle East and Nigeria, areas that contribute to the global oil supply.
While there's an obvious link between recent retail increases and the record levels we are witnessing in crude oil prices, as shown previously, the price of crude is not the only determinant of what Canadians pay at the pump.
The next slide compares the taxation levels at the pump in different cities. As you can see, in terms of taxation, there's a federal excise tax, which is set at 10¢ a litre and has been unchanged since 1995. The ad valorem taxes include the goods and services tax of 6% federally, and in Newfoundland, Labrador, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick, a harmonized sales tax of 14%. In Quebec we have a retail sales tax of 7.5%.
Each province and territory also levies a per-litre tax. These vary widely, ranging from a low of 6.2¢ in the Yukon to a high of 20.2¢ per litre on Prince Edward Island.
Some municipalities also have taxes. These include Montreal, Vancouver, and Victoria.
Turning now to the next slide, we should demonstrate how the margins have changed over time for both refining and retail. What you see, in terms of the refining margin, is that it represents about 14% of the pump price in 2006. The margin does not reflect the profits but essentially covers the cost of refining the crude oil and provides the refinery with a rate of return on capital investment. Refining margins are typically volatile and generally seasonal.
As the graph indicates, refinery margins have increased significantly in the first few months of 2007, reflecting the supply-demand imbalance for gasoline across North America this spring. There have been over 30 separate events that we've tracked in Natural Resources Canada so far this year that have reduced the refining capacity use in Canada and the United States.
Finally, we have the retail margin, which represents the smallest component of the price at the pump, which is about 5¢ of the pump price in 2006. This has been relatively steady over time. You actually have a bit of a decrease historically, because a lot of the people who sell gasoline are now getting into selling other things, with convenience stores, car washes, or food outlets related to their operations. So they're able to operate with a lower margin.
The next slide shows the historical trend of the major components of the Canada average gasoline price and how it has varied over the last decade. I've already discussed the events that have driven up the crude oil component. The tax components have increased about 3¢ per litre over the period, primarily reflecting the ad valorem taxes that increase with the higher prices. At the federal level, this is partially offset by the one percentage point reduction in the GST last year.
In examining the margins, it is important to remember that margins, as I've said before, are not profits, and higher margins do not necessarily translate to higher profits. Margins cover the costs associated with refining, distributing, and marketing the product, as well as providing a rate of return on the investment. Increasing margins partially reflect the increased costs of producing fuel, including compliances with environmental regulations.
The next chart provides recent crude and gasoline price trends in Canada. The seasonal increase in gasoline demand, which is typically April through September, traditionally results in higher gasoline prices during the summer. However, as noted in the previous sections, this year a number of supply issues across North America are adding to the upward pressure on prices. This year extremely low inventories in the U.S. due to unanticipated refinery problems have bid up wholesale gasoline prices across North America to record levels heading into the summer driving season.
On the next slide, there are a number of reasons for price differences between markets. This compares different cities across Canada. I'll just go through them very quickly.
The first is taxes, as I mentioned, so there's a difference between provinces, and in some cases between cities, in terms of the taxation levels on gasoline. For markets that are more remote, there are higher distribution costs. There are economies of scale in terms of how much is actually sold at each outlet. And the local markets can sometimes play a role in terms of different pricing.
There are five provinces that currently regulate prices: Quebec, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland and Labrador, and Nova Scotia.
One last point is that while there's no evidence that the prices are lower because of regulation, it has reduced volatility. As we saw with Hurricane Katrina, the regulator prices are not blind to market forces. Newfoundland and Labrador, for instance, had to adjust their prices three times within six days following Hurricane Katrina to reflect the market reality.
I'll just speak very quickly to the next slide. It gives the differences over time between the taxation levels and the margins. What you see, as I mentioned earlier, is the fact that the margins have actually decreased over time from the 1980s.
The last slide just makes a comparison between Canada and other G8 countries in terms of the price at the pump. What you see is that with the exception of the United States, which is explained by taxation levels, Canada has a relatively low price at the pump.
I guess the last thing I'd say is that this information and other useful information is available on the Fuel Focus website, which is linked to Natural Resources Canada.
I'd be happy to take any questions you may have.