Okay. Thank you. Merci.
We'll get back to our scheduled orders of the day. We have a two-hour meeting, with five witnesses before us, to discuss gas prices and refinery margins. And this is our study pursuant to Standing Order 108(2).
As I mentioned, we have five witnesses today. First of all, from the Association québécoise des indépendants du pétrole, we have Ms. Sonia Marcotte, president and director general; Monsieur René Blouin, senior adviser; and Monsieur Pierre Crevier, president, Les Pétroles Crevier, and a member of the AQUIP's economic affairs committee. From the Canadian Independent Petroleum Marketers Association, we have Ms. Jane Savage, the president and CEO. And from L'essence à juste prix, we have Monsieur Frédéric Quintal, spokesperson.
I believe there is a five- to seven-minute presentation for each association. That's my understanding. Perhaps we could start with Ms. Marcotte.
Are you presenting on behalf of your organization? Okay, you can begin at any time.