I'm just going to add to that, and I'll address the question on the dollar that you raised as well.
Again, the list is quite long. Obviously, in addition to the Beacon and Oakville projects, we have Toyota's announcement, and International Truck, and we saw a major parts manufacturer, Linamar, and so on. This type of focused investment is critical, and I think there's a significant policy difference between a focused investment and a scatter-shot approach, for example, with some tax measures and so on, from which you're not really sure what you're recouping. There are studies making the rounds these days, particularly within the Ontario government, that show that the costs of those focused investments are recouped in tax dollars within two to three years, from the added economic benefit of having these operations go ahead with that help.
I think there'd be no doubt in anyone's mind that some of these key investments simply would not have happened without that kind of focused investment. Again, I think I would just add to Peter's comments on the importance of those.
On the question of the dollar, I think you're right on one point, in particular: the speed of the dollar's adjustment. It's not that someone would suggest that the dollar should not move around a certain range over a period of time, but it's the fact that it ramps up so incredibly quickly and does not allow people to have the time to adjust and make those changes.
Again, I think the central mission, for example, of the Bank of Canada.... The argument that we'll just adjust to any dollar loses some of its focus. Why not $1.20? Why not $1.30? At what point is it just about adjusting to a new level? I think the Bank of Canada has to take a greater responsibility for managing the speed of it and also for getting a clear idea about the range within which the dollar benefits the most critical sectors of the economy.
Again, as my colleague Pierre mentioned as well, the oil boom is not going to be helped or hurt by some fluctuations in the dollar in the same way; it's not related. That boom is going to continue on its own global dynamic, regardless of what the Canadian dollar is doing.
I think that might address some of your questions.