Dealing with the outward processing issue, I couldn't agree more, and our industry couldn't agree more, that we need to work together with the Canadian apparel industry, because you are our customer base. But as a customer base, you're shrinking in Canada. In 2000, it was almost $8 billion of apparel shipments, and in 2005, we're down to $5.6 billion. The customer base here is eroding, and some of the customers we're targeting with outward processing are the very same companies that used to manufacture here or have moved some of their manufacturing offshore. We should try to repatriate at least the textile component of what are now imports.
The other important factor is that Canadian textiles are, generally speaking, more expensive than the textiles that apparel manufacturers in other countries are currently using. So we're not looking to have the garments come in cheaper in greater competition with what Canadians make. We don't want to destroy the Canadian apparel industry. The decrease in the duty would simply offset the higher cost of Canadian textiles.