We have to be careful when we say there is a generation gap and that some people learn how to use technology and others don't. There is a continuum. People of all ages use the Internet, whether to make travel reservations or to do their banking.
The situation in the school system is complex. Sometimes, there are things in the structure of the school system that are discouraging. If teachers want to take additional training in a tech field, it won't have the same effect as if they wanted to take further university courses in their field. In some provinces, a teacher who takes courses in his or her own field will climb the ranks of the pay scale, but if a teacher takes additional training in technology, even in order to be able to teach his or her own subject better by making more use of technology, it doesn't lead to a pay increase. So we are discouraging them from making an effort. The system has all sorts of things, and various companies offer all sorts of individual programs. It should all be brought together and a coherent strategy adopted.