Studies show that the problem about the use of technology in Canada lies mainly with smaller firms and--you're right--across all sectors of the economy. Those macroeconomic studies demonstrate that. In our industry, you can imagine what position that leaves us in if people are not using our technology and the economy is suffering as a result.
We find that smaller businesses will not react as well to someone saying “I have a product to sell you” as they will to someone in their industry, one of their peers or someone else, saying “Here's what you can do.” We carried out studies on what was in their mindset and how we could tackle the problem. They understand that information and communications technology can help them save costs. What they do not understand is what's really missing--that you can use technology to produce better products more quickly, to grow faster, and to be more competitive.
The gap there is that they do not have access to those resources. They're too small to have true expertise on what you can do with technology to transform your firm. That obviously opens the door to asking if that is something the government can help with.