The Information and Communications Technology Sector Council, which is a governmental body, and there are councils in various industries, has estimated that over the coming few years there's going to be a shortage of 89,000 people due to retirements, growth in the industry that cannot be fulfilled. But those are specialist jobs. In addition to that, our industry, as it grows, needs people to take care of sales and administration, logistics and all that.
So in a way, it might be difficult to envision someone working on a manufacturing assembly line to be transferred into a computer engineer or a computer developer; but on the other hand, there are a lot of other jobs in our industry that do not require necessarily that degree of expertise and some effort on retraining and support. The economy, as I mentioned earlier, over the last seven or eight years has absorbed those things very well, but for the people who are out of a job, it's a societal problem that needs to be addressed, and therefore there has to be some focus on helping these people retrain.