I'm really sorry to interrupt you, but we get such a short period of time for the questions and the answers.
I'd like to go back to the immigration piece. We've had a few people talk about the temporary foreign worker program and wanting to expand that program. I want to share with you some concerns I have about that program, because there does not appear to be adequate training for foreign workers and monitoring. The Economist, as I'm sure you know, wrote an article last month about some of the abuses in the program, people being paid quite low wages and their health and safety being put at risk.
Certainly we don't want to have an immigration policy that really ghettoizes certain people. Obviously that's not what we're about as a country. When you talk about immigration, I obviously share your concern about the lack of recognition of foreign credentials. I come from Toronto, where we have the best-educated taxi force in the world. It is a colossal waste of skills and resources at a time when Canada desperately needs them.
Do you have any specific recommendations either about the recognition of foreign credentials or about the foreign worker program, so that we're not, to solve the short-term problem, letting ourselves go down a pathway we may not want to go down?