Thank you.
I want to thank Mr. Comstock for being here. I'm very proud that the first business improvement area in our city, the Bloor west business improvement area, began in my riding, under Alex Ling a number of years back. I know first-hand the tremendous work the BIAs do in the community, and I know the good work TABIA does, not only in terms of community development but also environmental assistance and just improving the neighbourhoods with thriving businesses. I want to say that it is a real attraction for people to move into our area because of the small businesses on the main streets when they do well.
There are obviously a number of challenges for small businesses. The dollar has an impact. There have been some regulatory problems. I know some of the small butchers that have been around for 50 years are facing some provincial regulatory problems, and they impact on them as though they were large operations.
I'm wondering, first of all, are there other kinds of barriers that you see today particularly impacting on small business? You mentioned the big box stores. Are there other regulatory issues you're concerned about?
Second, what are some of the things the federal government can do to promote the kinds of small businesses you represent? People have talked to me about improving transit in the city, and that's a major boon to the small operators. Are there any other regulatory or assistance issues you'd like to see from the federal government?