Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
It could be said that one component of this issue falls within the jurisdiction of the Finance Committee, but we are the Industry Committee. I think this is a subject we can deal with because the manufacturing and forestry sectors fall within our area of study. Yes, we are dealing with financial matters. On the other hand, will the sector be able to tell us if $500 million or $1.5 billion would be enough to kick-start the manufacturing sector? Only then would we be able to have a better idea. We can meet with these people and ask that very question: it is their sector that we want to assist. The Finance Committee can say that it has money to give, money to allocate, and make recommendations to assist; however, we must properly understand the needs of the manufacturing sector. Is this enough? Are we going far enough? Is anything additional needed? I think these questions fall directly within the realm of the Standing Committee on Industry.