In the case of Central Wire, a global company that manufactures welding rod for airplane construction, what they are simply saying is please give us a level playing field. They're saying don't be protectionist on the world global stage, and when we federally subsidize contracts to manufacture something, don't close the doors and say we're only going to stay in Canada. The plant operator was simply saying give us an opportunity to bid on the same contracts; give us an opportunity to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with those eastern bloc countries, with the South American Pacific Rim countries, where we can stand shoulder-to-shoulder and submit the same type of request-for-proposal documents so that indeed the best product and the best delivery is at hand. Certainly he felt that in the huge amount of money spent on federal projects, smaller companies--perhaps because of their small profile--were left out of the ability, as Mayor Staples said, to go up to the plate to swing the bat. He was saying just give us a chance, and we can do the same thing.