Thank you very much.
Well, I'm going to pick up right there where you left off. I have two questions for anyone who feels inclined to address them.
One is that we're having a lot of trouble attracting our own young people into these fields. How much are we really looking at the incredible cost of post-secondary education, the uncertainty around continuing inadequate funding for post-secondary education? It's my understanding that at least in some universities in some parts of the country the first-year tuition seems prohibitive enough, but then when it gets to second year, it takes a huge leap. I'm wondering if this isn't driving young people away from investing their own dollars in this field, because there aren't enough public dollars to support those choices.
Secondly, I'm wondering whether we need to be concerned--and this is an issue that's raised from time to time by the post-secondary education community--about inadequate dollars being invested in basic research on the basis of which, of course, breakthroughs are ultimately made, and so you get to the applied research and development level.
I'm wondering if you could comment on those two questions or problems, as you see them.