I have a question for Mr. Rutsey.
Mr. Rutsey, I'm an auto dealer. I'm listening to your statistics—and that may be true—but I have to tell you that in my riding, four dealers have lost their dealerships. One of them is dead.
The pattern we saw—this is something we've witnessed—is that they kind of get snagged into, you know, being picked up by limousines, etc. It might be an American thing, I don't know. But I'm curious about that. Of course, when you talk about 0.5% or 1.5% of the population, there were a number of people in those dealerships who obviously lost their jobs too.
I'm really concerned about that. I understand that there are people who just like to enjoy themselves and go out, but I'm really concerned about the dark element of the industry. I wonder if you would comment on that.