In terms of the cooling off of the Canadian real estate market, we do see sales retreating from the breakneck pace that we saw in 2007. That having been said, we're forecasting that they're going to have their second-best year on record, second only to last year's, so it will be a silver podium finish, if you will.
As for price increases, they are going to continue this year, but again not to the magnitude we saw last year. The disparity between the fast growth out west and growth elsewhere in Canada is going to shrink. That having been said, the price increases will still be strongest out west, and they'll exceed inflation in all provinces.
It will certainly be nothing like the experience in the States. It's even softer than a soft landing; it's more like a featherbed landing, and affordability should increase this year, owing to smaller price gains at a time when incomes continue to rise.