Thank you, Mr. Chair. I also want to thank those who put together the proposals for change. Being a new member of the committee, I am not familiar with the routine of this committee. However, I am told that it was a very harmonious committee and that there was a lot of productive discussion, and of course the unanimously endorsed report that came out of this committee.
I hope to be able to continue to contribute to that spirit of cooperation and collegiality. In my view, if it's working well, maybe it doesn't need to change. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. I think there is a spirit of cooperation, so that if there are particular instances that arise that are problematic, we can work together to try to resolve them, without throwing out what seems to be a good structure for this committee. I'm particularly concerned about the proposed changes to the speaking order that would remove our time substantially. I don't think that's a constructive approach. That's one particular item I'm concerned about, but I would strongly endorse the view of others that we maintain the status quo for this committee.