I'd like to add a comment. We have always been rather flexible. When dealing with motions, my interpreters have always helped with the translation. I don't believe that we've ever had a problem with the motions tabled within committee.
Like my colleague, I believe that it is important to require our witnesses to table documents in French as well. In the past, documents have been tabled strictly in English, and we often had difficulty obtaining them in French. I think we should have a basic principle: when witnesses are invited to appear, and if they have documents to submit, these must be tabled in both official languages.
In addition, we would like to have them a few days before the meeting, because very often we only receive documents pertaining to the next day's meeting on the very same day of the meeting, or at 5:00 or 6:00 p.m. the evening prior. Would it be possible to obtain the documents at least one or two days in advance, to cross check what witnesses will be tabling, and to determine what type of questions we want to ask them? It is much easier for us when we have documents the day before the committee meeting.
Thank you.