I think it's fair to say that the automotive innovation fund and the focus on science and technology work very much together. We know that with the forces of globalization and the challenges with competitiveness, we have to have the right foundations and we need to be on the cutting edge of the development of new technologies and new assembly mechanisms, otherwise we won't have the competitive advantage that we will need.
We've always been at the forefront of innovation in the Canadian automotive sector, and we have to stay there. So the purpose of the $250 million innovation fund is to support what I would describe as strategic, large-scale research and development in assembly facilities in the automotive sector, so that we have a more innovative, greener, and more fuel efficient vehicle platform to compete in the future.
We will also be ensuring that the S and T, science and technology, resources the Government of Canada currently spends are targeted in a meaningful way toward that same objective. There are also additional funds in the budget of 2008 that will deal with exactly those same concerns.