I call to order this 27th meeting of the Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Technology.
We have a very special guest with us here this morning. We have the Minister of Industry, the Honourable Jim Prentice, for up to an hour of presentation and questions and comments from members. I want to welcome the minister to the committee. This is the first time the minister has appeared before this particular committee in his role as Minister of Industry.
We also have some officials from the Department of Industry, the deputy minister, Mr. Richard Dicerni, who is back with us again; the senior associate deputy minister, Mr. Paul Boothe; and Mr. Pierre Legault, the senior general counsel, Industry Canada.
Welcome to all of you gentlemen.
Minister, we will have an opening statement from you of about 10 minutes, and then we will go to questions from members.
Mr. Brison, do you have a point of order?