You carried out a market study before deciding to purchase the company, in order to determine if it would be profitable. That is the first thing you did. Have there been any developments? Are there clients who might be interested in obtaining images from RADARSAT-2? From what I understand, there are already 45 million dollars in services agreements with Canada. I can understand that, but there is not just Canada. I believe your first customer is the American government, that accounts for 65 percent of your business.
Will the American government be asking you for RADARSAT-2 images for military purposes? Or else, given that it is the American government that will be deciding if Canadian images will be provided or not, because they will be regulated by it, will that not create a conflict of interest?
I am convinced of your good faith when you say that you will fulfil your part of the contract. However, the American government would be free to use RADARSAT-2 for military purposes and to tell Canadians that they will not get these images, that there is no rush and that it will not honour the contract. I am not so sure that the people involved in the American legal aspects will grant the right to transmit these images to Canada.