Absolutely. In the document I sent to you, you will find a table that summarizes the governance and the accounting. Genome Canada has to make regular financial reports to the Government of Canada. The responsible department is Industry Canada.
We do it in several ways. We submit a corporate plan every year. We have quarterly meetings of the Board of Directors, and a government representative sits on the board. We have policies, we have a series of financial reports, annual reports, a strategic plan and a corporate plan.
Then, we have had audits, not financial audits but compliance audits. The agreement between the Government of Canada and Genome Canada is a contractual one. It is a proper service contract. The contract states that the Government of Canada can, regularly and at its discretion, conduct not only financial audits but compliance audits: does the agreement reflect what we are doing? It can conduct evaluation audits, after all, we are talking about $840 million. Have we met the government's expectations? These audits are done regularly each year.