Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Hello to all the witnesses. Thank you for your presentations.
I'd like to ask a question to all of you about the best balance for Canada going forward in terms of our government investment of dollars. The CFI provides an opportunity for moneys--our tax dollars that are invested--to then partner with the private sector. I assume that many of the projects that get identified are identified because of the potential for commercialization, obviously, in order to get private sector money, which is important going forward. Also, we know that often basic research can lead to important discoveries and important opportunities that may have unanticipated consequences, in some cases. We need to get the right balance.
What should be the right balance going forward in terms of funding through organizations like CFI and anticipating or directing projects that we know will receive good private sector support versus funding through universities and research grants for basic research that may not initially have a commercial application that we know of?
Any of you or all of you, can you comment on that, please?