Thank you, witnesses, for appearing. I have a couple of questions.
This is a burning issue with me. I appreciate the work you do and I find it fascinating, and I suppose the areas you talk about in academic circles are probably the most exciting. However, as a parliamentarian--and I've not been at this long--I've wondered in the past about things like the forest industry, for example, which we just dropped the ball on. You're nodding, so I think you know what I'm talking about. Here's an industry that for years had the advantage of the 80-cent dollar, 65-cent dollar, and the Fins and Swedes came along and today they are producing all the innovation on it.
We've started something called a trucking caucus. The trucking industry is huge in this country. It delivers the produce that we as a producing nation and exporting nation have. It has devised and is telling us about the enviroTruck. Do you miss that? Are we missing those types of projects? I know, when we talk about 15 years down the road, absolutely that work has to be done. But the bread-and-butter stuff, the stuff that drives our economy--are we missing the industries that need help there? The universities can give them the assistance they need, and we can grow a whole new industry where we can do all these other things you're talking about.
Could you quickly comment?