I'm not sure if your figure of $9.7 billion is correct. It's more like $26 billion. If you look at the sources, the university to the private sector--tax breaks to the private sector--and the government, it's a much bigger number. I think $9.6 billion is just the intramural in terms of government to science-based departments and agencies. But the balance is all wrong; the balance is off. What has happened is, if it's to be considered a triangle, three legs of a stool, where funding has gone to universities, the private sector through tax breaks, and intramural government science, the funding has shifted between the other two. So one leg of the stool is extremely short. You can't have a robust innovation system without all three of those points. That's really what the problem is.
As a matter of fact, it's about balancing those funds and bringing the A-base back into the science-based departments and agencies within the federal government, the intramural system.