A lot of the work that has to be done is fundamental, and to address the two issues I just described requires basic research. That research takes place not only in a company but also in academia, particularly the two issues I mentioned, developing technology to reduce water consumption and to minimize economic issues. But there are other places. Alternative energy such as wind power, solar energy, and so on, are all part of the energy domain, and those are important areas for research for Canada.
When we say energy and natural resources, we are referring to a portfolio of approaches to address the challenges of non-renewable energy and dealing with opportunities in the renewable sector. It's not just dealing with oil and gas, it's not just dealing with Alberta; it's dealing with the east—for example, Nova Scotia and carbon capture, storage, and sequestration. This is a big issue. The G8, at its summit in July, will be dealing as a priority with the development of a low-carbon society, and that's one approach to doing so.
This research spans many different parts of the country and different components in addition to petroleum.