Yes. It's on the financial services element.
We have companies like Scotiabank who are really active in some of the small emerging markets. There are the free trade negotiations we're trying to do, for example, right now with Peru, and we just finished a financial services chapter with Chile. These are things that Scotiabank really likes to have in place, because it gives them some legal certainty when they go into these emerging markets that there's at least some agreed international framework that, should things go wrong, they can rely on.
On the financial services side, you'll see in one of the charts that exports from the finance and insurance sector are very small. The reason for this is that many if not most countries require a physical presence when you want to go into a country, in China and all of these areas. What we're showing is that we don't have a lot of exports, but we have a lot of foreign direct investment in these emerging markets. So when you're looking at the financial services sector, bear that in mind.