Thank you for being here. I really appreciate the opportunity we had earlier to visit your site at Smartpark.
There are winners and losers. There is always sort of an underlying assumption by analysts who say there are some things that need to go the way of the horse and buggy and other things that can evolve.
Mr. Boitson, your company is a good example of a company that's evolved over the years. It's been around for over 100 years. If I understand correctly, MacDonald Brothers went back quite some time. We know the history, the politics, etc.
Right now, I'm seeing here in Manitoba a high level of impressive coordination. I'm wondering, however, if you can use that as a template to coordinate between competing interests, say in Toronto or Quebec, and if there is a way that when it comes to things such as procurement we're all sort of speaking from the same book. The best obviously would wind up with the opportunity to do whatever it is that is out there.
More importantly, can you identify for the committee ways in which we can improve the coordination so that we don't wind up with this regional bun fight that often happens? We've seen it here before. I think we've tried to avoid it for the past 20 years, but it was about 20 years ago, around this time, that I think it's fair to say we put region against region when an entire nation's interest was at stake.
Are there any ideas, any insights, or any efforts at trying to pull these things together?