We are, for the institute, in the middle of recruiting a poster boy. Great institutes always have someone like a Dr. Plummer at the heart of them. We're looking at a team that we're trying to snag in the neurosciences. We would put a package together to bring them, probably from abroad, with the idea of establishing the reputation of the institute. We're probably looking for a 40-something...someone who has fire in his or her belly and a group of colleagues around them. We want to give them their own institute and a pocketful of money to come. So the issue of human resources is very close to our hearts.
A Dr. Plummer or an Ian Smith, or those types, will define what an institute looks like and become absolutely catalytic. The people who work around them often wind up being collections of characters who, over the years, have met, worked well together, and have magic. So it's not about putting an advertisement in The Globe and Mail.
That comment is my side of it.