If I could make a comment on this, I think Dr. Smith's institute has done a very good job of taking technologies to market, and it has very concrete examples of how that's happened. But I would go into another perspective, and this goes back to Henry Friesen's remarks to you this morning. If you were to walk into our hospital's operating room today and go to the supply shelf and point out the products that have come from Canada, you would be able to find them on the fingers of less than one hand. If you were to go into the inventory of other elements of our hospital, any Canadian hospital, not just the Health Sciences Centre, you would have a very, very tough time finding Canadian products on the shelf, of any type and any kind of technology.
So irrespective of all of the glowing reports that all of you are hearing on your cross-Canada tours of how well everyone does at commercialization, the reality is that we all, in this country, stink on this subject. That's why you guys are doing your job right now.
So the venture capital community is not there. From our perspective, at a geographic level, it's hard to source that. But Dr. Smith is correct, if you have successes, they breed confidence. I'm just saying that this confidence hasn't exactly been a wildfire so far.