I'd appreciate it if you could provide us with some recommendations with regard to that. Certainly, something we can do is to modify the structure to improve it.
My last comment is on partnerships. Mr. Olson spoke to it previously. I know this sector has been phenomenal in terms of relationships with the Red River Community College, with universities. The private sector has actually done a lot. I'm not sure if the federal government has done its share. We only briefly spoke to education and training, and it seems to me that is the key right now. Every sector that comes to us tells us we have to educate, we have to train the proper people. We're bringing people from overseas to come in here. Are we doing enough?
You have done your job in this sector, as far as I'm concerned. I mean, the relationships you have built are incredible. I haven't seen it anywhere else. Are we doing enough to partner with you in that respect?