Further to your question, one of the things we can do to excite and encourage more private investment is to have mechanisms to take the research that is done at the universities and in the federal labs further down the value chain. A good example is crop research. I gave you the example of the plant accelerator. A lot of the gene discoveries that are made are not taken up by industry, because they're still early stage and there's still a lot of risk involved. So they're not willing to take that risk. It's too early. If we can move it further down and generate field data....
Right now, having data that is proof of the concept in a greenhouse is one thing. But that's not going to be enough to entice a company to invest millions of dollars to commercialize it. So with an investment that can be supported by the public sector, I think we can greatly accelerate the development of new crop varieties and the commercialization of our research. They will invest when they see that the opportunities are there and when the risk is at the appropriate level.