These things happen over a period of time.
I'll give you another example, in this case technology that's gone into Westport Innovations, allowing diesel engines to run on natural gas. It sounds like a wonderful idea. It came into our office in 1987. We thought that we would just patent it and turn around and license it to Detroit Diesel Corporation and Cummins, the large manufacturers. But no one would touch it; it was before its time.
It wasn't until the early 1990s when the EPA put out new legislation on emission standards, and this technology started to be picked up in California, that there was a business opportunity. That's when an entrepreneur came along, and the company was born in 1994. It's now listed on NASDAQ. It has sales in California and China. It's doing marvellously well, but we just had to keep that technology alive for the first three or four years, because it was ahead of its time.