One word--fascinating. I'm thinking of the four of you who have presented here, and if tomorrow I could wave a magic wand, everyone would live in a zero-emission environment--whether I took my bus or my car, or had electricity generated in my home or off the shores.
Most of us would not have considered these things to be absolutely pressing, certainly in the area of energy, until the past couple of months, with the way the price of energy is going and where it's going. As politicians we're extremely sensitive to where those failures may very well lead us, and that there are consequences for all of us in not moving in those directions.
I'll start with you, Mr. MacDonald. I was very interested in your comments, because I had written here that you had done so well in Germany, so why not in Canada? Yet your comment at the end was more why aren't we doing as well overseas compared to Canada?
I don't see a problem if we're doing well internationally, but it seems to me you're saying we can't create the wealth or interest, or generate an adequate and comprehensive policy in Canada to ensure that all of you in ten years will be able to make me live in a zero-emission environment.