So in fact when we look at the big science projects across the country—and we can probably think of at least a dozen or so, including the three that are here today, but there are others, of course, that are very much in the same situation—we're faced with a situation where Canada already is proportionately investing more of its public investment in government-sponsored as opposed to private investment, or shared investment between industry and government, in research in the country. We're lagging behind other OECD countries in terms of tapping into that business component. What you're proposing is that we continue to bump up and invest more steadily.
This becomes a bit of a problem. As representatives of the public, in terms of the value for the dollar, if you will, we have a responsibility to make sure the public is getting their money's worth, yet we're already somewhat offside on that. Do you have a comment on how we can do what you would like us to do in funding those operating dollars more heavily but, at the same time, be able to rationalize that investment to Canadians?