It's a very timely question.
A week ago I was with the board of Ocean Networks Canada presenting a business plan to them. One part of that business plan is public outreach. NEPTUNE, remember, is going to be fully operational within the next year, so at this point we're talking more in terms of what will happen than what has already happened, but within that plan we have developed a number of initiatives that will indeed build on the very good exposure that we've had already.
Part of that is through the electronic media, but very significantly, I think, we are using the Internet now as a mechanism that brings the oceans into the lives of the people you're talking about--not the people who have to go to university to find it, but the people who find the research right where it is. Oftentimes that will come through their kids; the kids will be the conduit. There are all sorts of creative ways in which one can bring that ocean environment to the living rooms of the Canadian public--