Thank you.
Merci, Madame Brunelle.
I'm going to use the chair's prerogative to ask the final question.
One of the biggest issues the committee is going to have to address is the operating funding issue. Mr. Taylor, I liked the way you outlined the three parts of this: there's capital funding, operating funding, and experimental funding. The capital funding issue, largely through CFI, has been addressed. The experimental funding, through granting councils, has largely been addressed. As for operating funding, there are indirect costs for research institutions, but I think that both you and Mr. McDonald and the other big science project people are correct in saying that this funding is not available for big science projects. So you have a gap there for operational funding.
It's a valid point, but as you know, it's always a tough sell for any committee or group of persons to go to the government and say we ought to institute a new program or have further government spending in this area.
You're experts in this area. Could you perhaps provide some details to the committee on what the program would look like? Could you give us an estimate at to what costs we'd be looking at, how the program would operate, and some details? The committee can recommend something general, such as by saying that we need something to address operational funding, but I think it would be better if the committee had something more specific to propose to the government, so that the government could really have something they could consider.