For once I think our industry is ahead of the curve here. We have provided the government with seven strategic areas that will soften the blow and mitigate the challenges we have going forward with fuel, the Canadian dollar, and so on. Our recommendations result from a year-and-a-half consultation process that involved the most senior in our industry, including the heads of hotel companies, airline companies, railway companies, and so on. So the government now has our recommendations on what needs to be done. Some of them are public sector policy changes, some involve tax changes, some are private sector changes, and some are both.
This report was initiated because we saw two years ago that these single-off occurrences like SARS, 9/11, fuel prices, and the war in Iraq were always used to blame why we weren't doing well. Finally we said, listen, there must be something beyond this, because once this one-off issue is behind us we're still not growing to the level we should be, so what are the structural issues? They're described in this report. So those are our recommendations, from a collective industry.