You all refer to regulatory issues, yet you don't get that granular in terms of the specific regulations. Many of them are provincial and involve federal-provincial negotiations and issues.
But as to some of the barriers you refer to, if you're calling for less regulation, would you be calling, for instance, for fewer barriers between one of the traditional pillars to enter into another one? Is that one of the areas you're calling for?
For instance, if you look at Western Financial Group, Scott Tannas' operation, it is a bank that emanated initially from the insurance industry and took advantage of a loosening of the traditional four pillars to enter into that industry.
Are you calling for a further loosening of those rules to now enable, for instance, insurance companies to enter into banking more broadly? Alternatively, of course, one would expect banks to enter more vigorously into the insurance sectors. Is that one of the regulatory changes you'd want to see?