I'm only guessing, and I haven't looked, but clearly we were not forecasting par. Neither was anybody else.
As I say, it's very difficult to forecast the dollar because, among other things, it depends very heavily on the price of energy and oil. And if you can't get that right, you're not going to have the dollar right.
Basically, we can provide a lot of value to clients by helping them focus on adjusting to changes in the dollar and helping them understand how changes in the value of the dollar affect their companies and they can do their contingency planning. To try to give a pinpoint estimate of where the dollar might be, you have to go with that with an awful lot of modesty, as I have learned over a lot of years of experience, because so many things can affect the dollar. It's very difficult, but we do the best we can with the information we have.
I should say in regard to our forecast that you see in the chart there that just yesterday I got a forecast from a consensus of economists, and this is pretty close to consensus, for whatever that's worth. But I'm going to say it's very difficult to forecast.