I won't speak on the grocery side specifically, but let me speak on general merchandise.
Your assessment is correct. We've found for quite a period of time that to find economies of scale and to be extremely competitive in the marketplace, large retailers from coast to coast have been sourcing products from outside the country, specifically Asia and some in eastern Europe.
We have found that a lot of our retailers, including Canadian companies and international ones--so Rona out of Quebec, Wal-Mart out of their head office in Ontario, London Drugs out of their head office in Vancouver--are now holding trade shows in Canada inviting local suppliers to show their wares. Certainly the trade shows, particularly in Quebec, have been extremely successful in promoting and encouraging local businesses. We, as an association, obviously continue to encourage our retailers from coast to coast to buy locally. The reality is that in some cases the product is competitive, the product is different enough, the quality is good, but in other cases consumers will not want to buy it. So retailers have to try to balance both, consumers' wants and needs and what the local supplier can provide.