Thanks for the question.
You are quite right that the restaurants that are going to have the competitive advantage in the coming decades are the ones with the best human resources practices. There is more and more emphasis on that in terms of recruitment strategies and retention strategies. Certainly all restaurant operators are looking at how they can reduce the labour component of their businesses. But of course, that's a challenge in a service industry and in the food service industry in particular.
They are increasing salaries and benefits, but as you noted, their margins are being reduced accordingly, and that's an issue. They are putting more emphasis on attracting and accommodating groups that are under-represented in the labour force: aboriginals, people with disabilities, and seniors. That is why one of the recommendations we made was to make it easier for seniors who do want to work, who do want some additional income, to work without seeing their guaranteed income supplement reduced. We're looking at anything and everything, because we see this as a tremendous challenge in the years ahead.