I thought she was directing it to you.
Keep exploring.... One of the real assets here is that Americans have a north-south relationship with Canada. In other words, people in Washington State or California know British Columbia very well, but they don't know central or eastern Canada or the north. And people in New York know Atlantic Canada or Quebec. We're trying to keep exploring, so we'll have a better east-west connection with Canada.
Take Toronto as an example. A lot of people have said yes, I've been to Canada; I've been to Toronto. That's it? If you think Canada is Toronto, then you're missing so much more. Toronto is much more than maybe your visit to a Broadway play. It could be a trip down to Niagara Falls for a wine tour. It could be shopping in a sophisticated city with great food and cuisine. It could be the zoo there or the CN Tower. There's so much to keep exploring in Toronto, and we need to do a better job of communicating to all of our visitors, not only Canada in an east-west way and not just north-south, but also in the community itself, the diversity that exists, especially in Toronto.