If there's anything we could leave you within the short time we have available, it is to remember access to Canada. That means we need people to know about our country, which means increased marketing. Then we need to make them feel welcome at our borders. We need the infrastructure there to do that. We need open skies agreements with airlines so that we have access to Canada, and we need to make them feel welcome when they're here, whether it's GST or harmonizing the GST and the PST. Harmonization would be a huge help to our industry, and I know everybody is in favour of harmonizing GST and PST. This seems like a slam dunk. Why don't we just do it? It would be a big boon to our industry if that happened as well.
So it's about access to Canada. Think of it as the border, airport costs, making airlines more accessible, and getting into the minds of foreign visitors with our marketing message.