Oh, I'm sorry. That's right, yes.
I have the deck here, but I actually do want your opinion on this, and maybe Jayson's as well.
Congratulations on your recent appointment.
One of the things it says is “Government cannot do anything to stop the depreciation of the U.S. dollar or shore up the faltering U.S. economy”. I don't know if it's been discussed here tonight, but the U.S. has been playing with their dollar. They've been intervening to certainly weaken it in many respects. There's been a lot of discussion—the Japanese yen, the Chinese, and so forth—but I think there can be no doubt that there is an attempt in the U.S. to manipulate their dollar.
Should there not be at least some discussion about the fact that they are doing currency movements, and that potentially Canada...? In this deck there is a recommendation that this issue should be looked at from our policy standpoint.