It's my time. And I've heard over and over again that we have only addressed one. I'd like to continue.
In trade, disclose analysis of any free trade agreement with South Korea and the European Free Trade Association We have done extensive consultations. I would like to remind people that we hear that there is not a Korean free trade agreement yet, but there are negotiations. If you look at the speed at which we are moving, the Americans completed their free trade agreement with Korea in a record amount of time. We're not going to sign an agreement that's not good for Canada—or any free trade agreement that's not good for Canada.
Then we have “conduct an internal review of Canadian anti-dumping, countervail and safeguard”. We have looked at that and we are continuing to review these periodically.
Then it says to “amend the Copyright Act; ratify the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Copyright Treaty; ensure...enforcement combat counterfeiting”. Again, we're working with our international counterparts, and we've done studies here at INDU and Public Safety on the counterfeit issue.
On the regulatory changes, implement smart regulations. We've already worked on that. We're in negotiation with the U.S. and Mexico consistently. We're reducing the number of tax remittances, filings for more than 350,000 businesses. We're working with the provinces and territories examining and broadening the TLMA.
We were asked to conclude negotiations to implement greenhouse gas emissions in air pollution regulations. We've announced a regulatory framework, including targets and compliance mechanisms for industrial emissions of greenhouse gases.
Implement the User Fees Act: we are complying with that act.
Our infrastructure asks that this committee...22 recommendations. We asked for three.
Announce the national gateways and trade corridor policy. We agree with the INDU report and we are putting forward record amounts of money, including $2.1 billion for a new fund for gateways and border crossings and $400 million for the Windsor–Detroit.
Improve the FAST lanes and infrastructure. We're doing that.
Define financing for the Windsor–Detroit. I already said we're doing that. It was in budget 2007.
Research and development. We were asked to consider recommendations of the Expert Panel on Commercialization. Budget 2007, the S and T announcements, the venture capital, the Canada–U.S. trade treaty improvements, the BDC seed funding, funding for new centres of excellence—I could go on and on there—expanding scholarships, attracting talent from outside Canada.
Funding to bring together business, government, post-secondary institutions to focus on R and D. Businesses; the NSERC; the NRC programs, including cluster of collaborative internships—we've addressed that.
Replace the TPC. We've recognized the importance of innovation and we refer you to the SADI and the ecoENERGY initiatives.
As for reviewing the funding levels for operation of the networks of centres of excellence program, and eliminating the sunset clause, this is being evaluated right now.
Again, the last recommendation, the 22nd, was to continue to fund research infrastructure through CFI. Again, budget 2007 provided $510 million to CFI to undertake more competitions before 2010 and another $600 million expected to be leveraged from others.