If I could answer first, dumping and subsidization of product coming in today from China and from other countries are very important issues that concern a number of sectors within the manufacturing sector. In Canada, a number of industries are affected.
The recognition of what constitutes a market economy is critical to how we run our trade remedy system, how we make the determinations about what is fair and unfair trade, and how we enforce the trade rules that we negotiate in trade agreements. The criteria you've enumerated in your bill, Mr. Vincent, are the criteria used by the European Union and by a number of other OECD nations. That's extremely important, because the recognition of a market economy then puts the onus on Canadian companies to show subsidization or to show that there is dumping activity. In some economies, such as China's, it is very difficult now to show that.
It is a very important issue and it goes to the heart of one of the recommendations of this committee, which was to ensure effective compliance with the trade rules that we negotiate in our trade agreements.