So in any given year, if a port, as an example, or a curling club—traditionally they get their funds from certain sources, the revenue stream they just have from their members.... If all of a sudden they got a government grant, would they then have to move into the soliciting framework? If they apply for a government grant and receive the funds, all of a sudden they would be under that.
Now, I know a number of organizations in my province, the province of Alberta, especially community-based organizations, will get grants from time to time from the lottery commission. These are ad hoc. They wouldn't be consistent, just one year; it's an ad hoc payment to a certain organization. I can see there would be frustration.
I guess the recommendation to our committee has been that we do away with the non-soliciting avenue and just make everyone soliciting, thereby simplifying things for everyone, including the government.
Is that something you would entertain as being a good recommendation? Or is that something that—