For over 90 years not-for-profits have been given a choice of going either federal or provincial. We would now radically change the system that's been operating in this country. Even if we grandfathered in those that are currently under our act and allowed them to stay federal, it would prevent new not-for-profits, it would take away their choice on whether they want to go federal or provincial.
The way the law is currently set up with respect to modernizing not-for-profit law, Saskatchewan is the only province with a particularly modern statute. We are trying to do one. Quebec, Ontario, and B.C. are considering it. None of the other provinces has a modern statute. In fact, most of their statutes are as old as ours currently is. Most of this was done back in the early part of the 20th century.
You would be precluding them, small or large, from having a choice of whether they wanted the more modern regime through federal law and telling them that they have to use whatever the provincial regime is, even if it is very out of date and doesn't give them the flexibility they need to operate.