In subsection 181(1), we would remove everything after the word “provinciale“, namely ”possède les qualifications requises, le cas échéant, en vertu d’une loi ou d’un règlement provincial pour exercer ses attributions aux termes des articles 189 à 192 [...]“ The word “provinciale” is on the fourth line of the subsection. Do you see it, Mr. Charland?
The subsection starts: “ L'expert-comptable d'une organisation est membre en règle d'un institut [...]“ and continues to the word “provinciale“.
If we take out the rest of the text, would there be any effect? They came to us to explain that public accountants are governed by the province. A person can be called a public accountant in one place and called something different somewhere else. So anything governed by a province should continue to be so governed.