Thank you.
As I said before, I have sympathy for the situation right now. I would think there are several ways we can solve this problem. Of course, the government can get involved in terms of regulating prices, as has been suggested, or it can get involved in terms of changing the rules in some other areas to do with competition, transparency.
Alternatively, of course, the parties involved can solve it themselves, which sounds like that's been a hard road so far. I'm sure Visa and MasterCard have some people watching on TV or maybe even in the room here as we have this discussion. I would caution them probably not to come to the committee and say there's no problem whatsoever. I don't know that there would be much appetite on the part of anyone at the table to hear that there's no problem. I think we recognize there's a problem. I want to hear from them what ideas they have for solving the problem.
If I could, I'll just turn to the CFIB and give you a chance to respond. You haven't talked about price regulation. Maybe you could explain why you haven't talked about that, and maybe you can elaborate a little bit more on the ways you have thought about to solve the problem. Perhaps there's been thought given to working with the other parties outside of government to see if there's some resolution to this.