It's important to note that's not dissimilar to how I think most of us would probably handle that. It happened to me the other day. A friend sent me an e-mail asking if, since I knew this other guy, I could send his e-mail address. I didn't just automatically send his e-mail address. I sent an e-mail to my other friend and asked if he minded if I sent his e-mail address to this friend. It was about business. He wanted to do some business, but they didn't know each other directly. I think that's sort of a common-sense way of doing things. He said yes, and I fired off the e-mail, and they made contact. I think it's just sort of common sense in terms of the way we deal with it.
I have one last question for Dennis and Matthew. You made your statement, and we talked throughout very positively about the legislation. Are there any concerns, major or minor, that you have with the legislation? I don't think I've heard any yet.